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Target Exam



Legal Studies


International Context

"This document emphasized that all human rights were universal, indivisible, inter- dependent and interrelated. This led to the creation of the post of the UN High Commissioner for Human rights who would principally be responsible for UN human rights activities. The High Commissioner can make recommendations to other UN bodies and can also coordinate between them." Which of the following document is being discussed here?
The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ("ICCPR")
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,
Correct Answer:
The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (1993) emphasized that all human rights were universal, indivisible, inter- dependent and interrelated. This led to the creation of the post of the UN High Commissioner for Human rights who would principally be responsible for UN human rights activities. The High Commissioner can make recommendations to other UN bodies and can also coordinate between them.