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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Oleo gum resin (Asafoetida) can be obtained from:


dried latex from the stem of ferula

dried latex from the roots of mango tree

dried latex from the banana leaves

dried latex from the tap root of ferula

Correct Answer:

dried latex from the tap root of ferula


 The correct answer is Option (4) -dried latex from the tap root of ferula

Asafoetida, a spice, is derived from the dried latex or gum oleoresin exuded by the underground rhizome or tap root of various Ferula species, perennial herbs reaching a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. Initially greyish-white, the substance darkens over time, transforming from yellow to red and ultimately brown.

Commercially available as blocks, pieces, or a fine yellow powder (occasionally crystalline or granulated), asafoetida's major components include resin (40-64%), gum (25%), and essential oil (10-17%). The distinctive aroma of asafoetida is primarily attributed to secondary butyl propenyl disulphide.