Practicing Success

Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Human Development


Arrange the followings in chronological order of their publication:

A. Limits to Growth
B. Our Common Future
C. Small is Beautiful
D. Agenda-21

Choose the correct answer form the options given below:


A, C, D, B

A, C, B, D

C, A, B, D

C, A, D, B

Correct Answer:

A, C, B, D


Indian culture and civilisation have been very sensitive to the issues of population, resource and development for a long time. It would not be incorrect to say that the ancient scriptures were essentially concerned about the balance and harmony among the elements of nature. Mahatma Gandhi in the recent times advocated the reinforcement of the harmony and balance between the two. He was quite apprehensive about the on-going development particularly the way industrialisation has institutionalised the loss of morality, spirituality, self-reliance, nonviolence and mutual co-operation and environment. In his opinion, austerity for individual, trusteeship of social wealth and nonviolence are the key to attain higher goals in the life of an individual as well as that of a nation. His views were also re-echoed in the Club of Rome Report “Limits to Growth” (1972), Schumacher’s book “Small is Beautiful” (1974), Brundtland Commission’s Report “Our Common Future” (1987) and finally in the “Agenda-21 Report of the Rio Conference” (1993).