Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Sitting Arrangement


Six boys R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6 are sitting in a row facing towards the north (Not necessarily in the same order). There are three boys between R4 and R2. R4 is not at any of the end. Only three boys are between R1 and R5. R3 is towards the left of R6. R1 is at one of the end. R2 is towards the right of R4. Which of the following statement is co rrect?


R1 is towards the right of R4

R4 is second to the left of R6

R5 is at one of the end

R3 is to the immediate right of R6

Correct Answer:

R4 is second to the left of R6


Answer: R4 is second to the left of R6

In this question we need to first place R4 and R2 then R1 and the rest will be placed easily