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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following is the ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha?


President of India

Vice-President of India

Speaker of the Parliament

Prime Minister

Correct Answer:

Vice-President of India


The correct answer is Option 2 - Vice-President of India

The Vice-President of India serves as the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament. According to Article 64 of the Constitution of India, the Vice-President acts as the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. In this capacity, the Vice-President presides over the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha, maintains order, and ensures that debates are conducted smoothly. While the Vice-President has a primarily ceremonial role in the Rajya Sabha, he may also exercise a casting vote in the event of a tie. Additionally, the Vice-President represents the Rajya Sabha in its dealings with the President of India and performs other duties as assigned by the Constitution or by the rules of procedure of the Rajya Sabha.