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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Security in the Contemporary World


Which of the following statements is true?

Statement 01: India first tested a nuclear device in 1974.

Statement 02: India’s decision to conduct nuclear tests in 2008 was justified by the Indian government in terms of safeguarding national security.


Both the Statements are true

Both Statements are false

Only Statement 01 is true

Only Statement 02 is true

Correct Answer:

Only Statement 01 is true


The first component was strengthening its military capabilities because India has been involved in conflicts with its neighbours — Pakistan in 1947–48, 1965, 1971 and 1999; and China in 1962. Since it is surrounded by nuclear-armed countries in the South Asian region, India’s decision to conduct nuclear tests in 1998 was justified by the Indian government in terms of safeguarding national security.

India first tested a nuclear device in 1974.