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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Structural Change

What is the difference between precapitalist annexation and colonial annexation of foreign countries?
Precapitalist annexation was more of religion based and colonial annexation was material in nature.
Precapitalist annexation of foreign territory didn't interfere with the economic basis of a country. Colonialist annexation interfered with the economic basis and created a profit-making machine for the colonizing nation.
Precapitalist annexation is based on surplus and colonialism is based on abundance.
Precolonial annexation was international, while colonial annexation was regional and based on local governments.
Correct Answer:
Precapitalist annexation of foreign territory didn't interfere with the economic basis of a country. Colonialist annexation interfered with the economic basis and created a profit-making machine for the colonizing nation.
Nevertheless, there is a vital difference between the empire building of pre-capitalist times and that of capitalist times. Apart from outright pillage, the pre-capitalist conquerors benefited from their domination by exacting a continuous flow of tribute. On the whole they did not interfere with the economic base. They simply took the tribute that was skimmed off the economic surplus that was produced traditionally in the subjugated areas. (Alavi and Shanin, 1982) In contrast British colonialism which was based on a capitalist system directly interfered to ensure greatest profit and benefit to British capitalism. Every policy was geared towards the strengthening and expansion of British capitalism