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Target Exam





Ancient India: Kinship, Caste and Class


What is the meaning of the term didactic used by historians to classify the contents of a particular text/book?


Refers to something that is meant for purposes of instruction.

Refers to something that is meant for purposes of information.

Refers to something that is meant for purposes of intimation.

All of these

Correct Answer:

Refers to something that is meant for purposes of instruction.


The correct answer is Option 1 - Refers to something that is meant for purposes of instruction.

Didactic refers to something that is meant for the purposes of instruction.

Historians typically categorize the content of the present text into two main categories: the narrative, which comprises stories, and the didactic, which contains prescriptions about social norms. Although this division is not rigid, as didactic sections may include stories and the narrative might convey social messages, it is generally accepted among historians that the primary intent of the Mahabharata was to serve as a captivating and emotional drama. The didactic portions, believed to have been added at a later stage, supplement the epic with moral and ethical teachings, enriching its overall significance.