Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Read the following passage and answer question.

Directing refers to the process of instructing, guiding. counselling, motivating and leading people in the organisation to achieve its objectives. Directing is a managerial process which takes place throughout the life of the organisation irrespective of people occupying managerial positions. In the organisation every individual effort contributes to the organisational performance. Thus it ensures that the individual work for organisational goals.

One of the principle of Directing emphasises that directing techniques must help every individual in the organisation to contribute to his maximum potential for achievement of organisational objectives. In the organisation different techniques are used to motivate people such as pay, bonus, promotion, recognitions, praise, responsibility etc. and also different financial incentives are used. Under one of such incentive schemes employees are offered company shares at a predetermined price which is lower than market price.

Identify the technique which is used to motivate people in an organisation to influence them to contribute their best ?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option (4) : Motivator

(4)Motivators: Motivator is the technique used to motivate people in an organisation. Managers use diverse motivators like pay, bonus, promotion, recognition, praise, responsibility etc., in the organisation to influence people to contribute their best.

(1) Motive: A motive is an inner state that energises, activates or moves and directs behaviour towards goals. Motives arise out of the needs of individuals. Realisation of a motive causes restlessness in the individual which prompts some action to reduce such restlessness. For example, the need for food causes hunger an account of which a man searches for food. Some such motives are —hunger, thirst, security, affiliation, need for comfort, recognition etc.,

(2) Leadership: While directing the subordinates, managers should exercise good leadership as it can influence the subordinates positively without causing dissatisfaction among them.

(3) Supervison: The term supervision can be understood in two ways. Firstly, it can be understood as an element of directing and secondly, as a function performed by supervisors in the organisational hierarchy . Secondly, supervision can be understood as the function to be performed by supervisor, a managerial position in the organisation hierarchy at the operative level i.e., immediately above the worker.