Practicing Success

Target Exam





Ancient India: Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings


Which of the following is/are true in respect of Buddhism?


The importance was attached to conduct and values rather than claims of superiority based on birth.

The emphasis was placed on metta (fellow feeling) and karuna (compassion), especially for those who were younger and weaker than oneself.

It provided for a middle path.

All of the above.

Correct Answer:

All of the above.


The expansion of Buddhism was swift and enduring, occurring during the Buddha's lifetime and continuing even after his demise. The teachings struck a chord with numerous individuals discontented with prevailing religious customs and bewildered by the rapid societal transformations of their time. What appealed to many were the focus on conduct and values rather than assertions of superiority based on birth. The emphasis on virtues like metta (fellow feeling) and karuna (compassion), particularly towards those younger and weaker, became compelling tenets that attracted both men and women to embrace the wisdom of Buddhism.