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General Test


General Knowledge


Modern Histoy


Which Viceroy revoked partition of Bengal in 1911?


Lord Hardinge

Lord Curzon

Lord Mayo

Lord Linlithgow

Correct Answer:

Lord Hardinge


The correct answer is Option 1 - Lord Hardinge

The Viceroy who revoked the Partition of Bengal in 1911 was Lord Hardinge.
The Partition of Bengal was a highly controversial decision that divided the province of Bengal into two parts: East Bengal and Assam, and West Bengal. The partition was widely seen as an attempt by the British to weaken the Indian nationalist movement by dividing Hindus and Muslims along religious lines.

The Partition of Bengal met with fierce opposition from the Indian people, and it led to a number of protests and demonstrations. The Swadeshi Movement and the Boycott Movement were two of the most important mass movements that emerged in response to the partition.

Lord Hardinge revoked the Partition of Bengal in 1911 in an attempt to appease the Indian people and to strengthen his own position as Viceroy. He also hoped that the revocation of the partition would help to unite Hindus and Muslims in their opposition to British rule.

The revocation of the Partition of Bengal was a major victory for the Indian nationalist movement. It showed that the British were not invincible, and it gave new hope to the Indian people in their struggle for independence.