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General Test


General Knowledge


In which of the following states of India is the ‘Ambubachi Mela’ held every year?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (4) - Assam

The Ambubachi Mela is an annual religious festival held in the state of Assam, India. It takes place at the Kamakhya Temple, which is located atop the Nilachal Hill in the city of Guwahati, Assam. The festival is celebrated to mark the menstruation period of the goddess Kamakhya, who is worshipped as the Mother Goddess in Hinduism.

The Ambubachi Mela typically occurs during the monsoon season, usually in the month of June (specifically during the Assamese month of Ahaar), and lasts for four days. During this time, devotees from various parts of India, as well as from neighboring countries like Nepal and Bangladesh, gather at the Kamakhya Temple to participate in rituals, prayers, and offerings to the goddess Kamakhya.

The festival is associated with various rituals and beliefs, including the belief that during the Ambubachi period, the goddess Kamakhya undergoes her annual menstrual cycle, symbolizing her fertility and creative energy. As a result, the temple remains closed for three days during the Ambubachi period, and on the fourth day, it is reopened amidst much fanfare and celebration.

Devotees believe that attending the Ambubachi Mela and offering prayers to the goddess Kamakhya during this auspicious time can bring blessings, fulfillment of wishes, and spiritual purification. The festival also attracts sadhus, sages, and tantric practitioners who come to the Kamakhya Temple to perform various rituals and seek divine blessings.

Overall, the Ambubachi Mela is a significant religious and cultural event in Assam, drawing pilgrims and tourists alike to the Kamakhya Temple to experience the spiritual atmosphere and participate in the age-old traditions associated with the worship of the goddess Kamakhya.