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Target Exam





Organic: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes


Carbon tetrachloride does have not dipole moment because of


Its planar structure

Its regular tetrahedral structure

Similar sizes of carbon and chlorine atoms

Similar electron affinities of carbon and chlorine

Correct Answer:

Its regular tetrahedral structure


Carbon tetrachloride \((CCl_4)\) is a non-polar molecule because it has a regular tetrahedral structure. In a regular tetrahedral structure, the four \(C-Cl\) bonds are arranged in such a way that the dipole moments of the individual bonds cancel each other out. This is because the dipole moments of the \(C-Cl\) bonds are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.

The other options are not correct. The planar structure of \(CCl_4\) would not prevent it from having a dipole moment, and the similar sizes of carbon and chlorine atoms would not have a significant effect on the dipole moment of the molecule. The similar electron affinities of carbon and chlorine atoms would also not have a significant effect on the dipole moment of the molecule.

Therefore, the correct answer is (2) Its regular tetrahedral structure.