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Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Planning and development in Indian Context


The ecological sustainability of the Indira Gandhi Canal Project has been questioned by various scholars. Their point of view has also largely been validated by the course of development this region has taken during the last four decades, which has resulted in the degradation of the physical environment. It is a hard fact that attaining sustainable development in the command area requires major thrust upon the measures to achieve ecological sustainability. Hence, five of the seven measures proposed to promote sustainable development in the command area are meant to restore ecological balance.

Which of the following is not a measure proposed to promote sustainable development in the Indira Gandhi Canal Command Area?


The first requirement is the strict implementation of a water management policy.

In general, the cropping pattern shall include water-intensive crops.

The areas affected by water logging and soil salinity shall be reclaimed.

None of the above.

Correct Answer:

In general, the cropping pattern shall include water-intensive crops.


Hence, five of the seven measures proposed to promote sustainable development in the command area are meant to restore ecological balance.

(i) The first requirement is the strict implementation of a water management policy. The canal project envisages protective irrigation in Stage-I and extensive irrigation of crops and pasture development in Stage II.

(ii) In general, the cropping pattern shall not include water-intensive crops. It shall be adhered to and people shall be encouraged to grow plantation crops such as citrus fruits.

(iii) The CAD programmes such as the lining of water courses, land development and levelling and warabandi system (equal distribution of canal water in the command area of the outlet) shall be effectively implemented to reduce the conveyance loss of water.

(iv) The areas affected by water logging and soil salinity shall be reclaimed.

(v) The eco-development through afforestation, shelterbelt plantation and pasture development is necessary, particularly in the fragile environment of Stage II.