Target Exam





Fundamentals of Human Geography: Human Geography-Nature and Scope


Which of the following can explain the difference between Humanisation of Nature and Naturalisation of Humans?


In naturalisation of humans, nature has an upper hand over humans while in humanisation of nature, humans have an upper hand over nature.

In naturalisation of humans, humans have an upper hand over nature while in humanisation of nature, nature has an upper hand over humans.

The concept of Humanisation of Nature is related to Environmental Determinism while Naturalisation of Humans is related to the concept of Possibilism.

Both 2 and 3

Correct Answer:

In naturalisation of humans, nature has an upper hand over humans while in humanisation of nature, humans have an upper hand over nature.


Nature is extremely important to develop technology and technology loosens the shackles of environment on human beings. In the early stages of their interaction with their natural environment humans were greatly influenced by it. They adapted to the dictates of Nature. This is so because the level of technology was very low and the stage of human social development was also primitive. This type of interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature was termed as environmental determinism. At that stage of very low technological development we can imagine the presence of a naturalised human, who listened to Nature, was afraid of its fury and worshipped it.
With social and cultural development, humans develop better and more efficient technology. They move from a state of necessity to a state of freedom. They create possibilities with the resources obtained from the environment. The human activities create cultural landscape. The imprints of human activities are created everywhere; health resorts on highlands, huge urban sprawls, fields, orchards and pastures in plains and rolling hills, ports on the coasts, oceanic routes on the oceanic surface and satellites in the space. The earlier scholars termed this as possibilism. Nature provides opportunities and human being make use of these and slowly nature gets humanised and starts bearing the imprints of human endeavour.