Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Change and Development in industrial Society


Economists and others often make a distinction between the organised or formal and the unorganised or informal sector. There is a debate over how to define these sectors. According to one definition, the organised sector consists of all units employing ten or more people throughout the year. These have to be registered with the government to ensure that their employees get proper salaries or wages, pension and other benefits.

Which of the following statement is/are correct about unorganised sector in Indian context?


There is job security in unorganised sector.

There is lack of laws and regulations for unorganised sector.

Both 1 and 2

None of the above

Correct Answer:

There is lack of laws and regulations for unorganised sector.


Informal or unorganized employment is flexible about qualifications and salary is also not fixed. it usually recruits labourers based on contracts for a particular time period. The unorganized labour sector won't provide pension or other benefits for the labourer.The government has laws to monitor conditions in the unorganised sector, but in practice they are left to the whims and fancies of the employer or contractor.

Job security: The unorganised sector is characterized by a high degree of informality, meaning there are often no formal contracts, fixed wages, or job security. Workers are more vulnerable to exploitation and can be easily laid off without any compensation. Hence there is no job security in unorganised sector.