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Target Exam



Legal Studies


Legal Profession in India


Which of the following category of advocate is NOT recognised by the Advocates Act ,1961?



advocate on record

senior advocate

none of the above

Correct Answer:

advocate on record


The correct answer is Option 2: advocate on record

The Advocates Act makes a provision for two kinds of advocates i.e. Senior Advocates and advocates. However, the Supreme Court of India has, in exercise of its rule making power, made a provision for advocate on record.

Advocate-on-Record is an advocate who is entitled under the Order IV of the Supreme Court Rules, 2013, framed by the Supreme Court of India under Article 145 of the Constitution, to act as well as to plead for a party in the Supreme Court of India.

After the enactment of the Advocates Act ,1961, all the old categories of practitioners (vakils, barristers, pleaders of several grades, and mukhtars) were abolished and consolidated into a single category called “advocates” who enjoy the right to practice in courts throughout India. The Act recognizes only one class of practitioners, that is, Advocates. Advocates have been classified as Senior Advocates and other Advocates. Thus, the Advocates Act makes a provision for
two kinds of advocates i.e. Senior Advocates and advocates. An Advocate on the State Rolls is entitled to practice as of right before any tribunal, or authority of India, or any court including the Supreme Court.