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Target Exam



-- Mathematics - Section B2


Linear Programming


Consider the LPP

Maximize: Z= 5x+3y subject to constraints

$2x+5y ≤15; 5x +2y ≤ 10; x, y ≥0.$ Which of the following is true ?

A. The feasible region lies in the $1^{st}$ quadrant.

B. The maximum value of 9.

C, The feasible region has 4 corner points.

D. It has three optimal solutions.

E. The maximum value of Z lies at $\left(\frac{20}{19}, \frac{45}{19}\right) $ and $(2, 0)$

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


A, B, C only

 B, C, D only

A, C only

A, C, E only

Correct Answer:

A, C, E only