Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the following passage and answer the question by choosing the correct option:

The central figure in this awakening was Raja Ram Mohan Roy, who is rightly regarded as the first great leader of modern India. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was moved by deep love for his people and country and worked hard all his life for their social, religious, intellectual and political regeneration. He was pained by the stagnation and corruption of contemporary Indian society which was at that time dominated by caste and convention. Popular religion was full of superstitions and was exploited by ignorant and corrupt priests. The upper classes were selfish and often sacrificed social interest to their own narrow interests. Raja Ram Mohan Roy possessed great love and respect for the traditional philosophic systems of the East; but, at the same time, he believed that modern culture alone would help regenerate Indian society. In particular, he wanted his countrymen to accept the rational and scientific approach and the principle of human dignity and social equality of all men and women. He also wanted the introduction of modern capitalism and industry in the country.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy represented a synthesis of the thought of East and West. He was a scholar who knew over a dozen languages including Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, English, French, Latin, Greek and Hebrew. As a young man he had studied Sanskrit literature and Hindu philosophy at Varanasi and the Quran and Persian and Arabic literature at Patna. He was also well-acquainted with Jainism and other religious movements and sects of India.

Arrange the following sentences/ parts of sentence in the order they occur in the passage.

A. He was also well-acquainted with Jainism and other religious involvements and sects of India.
B. He also wanted the introduction of modern capitalism and industry in the country.
C. He was a scholar who knew over a dozen languages.
D. He worked hard all his life for their social, religious, intellectual and political regeneration.
E. The upper classes were selfish and often sacrificed social interest to their own narrow interests.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


D - E - B - C - A

A - C - B - E - D

C - B - A - D - E

E - A - C - E - D

Correct Answer:

D - E - B - C - A


The correct arrangement of the sentences/parts of sentences in the order they occur in the passage is:

D - E - B - C - A