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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: India's External Relations


Instead, during the early months of 1971, the Pakistani army detained Sheikh Mujib and initiated a wave of terror upon the inhabitants of East Pakistan. In response, the populace launched an endeavor to liberate 'Bangladesh' from Pakistan's control. Throughout that year, India bore the responsibility of hosting around 8 million refugees who sought refuge from East Pakistan, burdening its neighboring regions. In a display of solidarity, India provided both moral and tangible assistance to the struggle for freedom in Bangladesh. Pakistan, however, accused India of orchestrating a scheme to disintegrate it.

Who initiated the realignment of forces in Asia through a secret visit to China in 1971?


Richard Nixon

Henry Kissinger

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Indira Gandhi

Correct Answer:

Henry Kissinger


In contrast, backing for Pakistan originated from the United States and China. The reconciliation between the US and China, which commenced in the late 1960s, caused a shift in power dynamics across Asia. Henry Kissinger, an advisor to US President Richard Nixon, undertook a confidential trip to China via Pakistan in July 1971. In an effort to counterbalance the alliance between the US, Pakistan, and China, India established a 20-year Treaty of Peace and Friendship with the Soviet Union in August 1971. This pact assured India of Soviet backing in case of any hostile threats.