Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Analysing Arguments


This question consists of a paragraph followed by four statements. You are required to read the paragraph carefully and select one statement that is best supported by the information given in the paragraph.

"Yoga is a popular form of exercise, but it is not for everyone. Before you enroll yourself for a yoga class, you should examine what you want from your fitness routine. If you are looking for an intense aerobic workout, a yoga class will not fulfill your needs. "

This paragraph supports which of the following statements:-


Yoga provides both mental and health benefits

Yoga is less popular than aerobics

Understand your needs before joining a fitness class

Yoga is not a rigorous form of exercise

Correct Answer:

Understand your needs before joining a fitness class


The argument states that one needs to choose one's exercise regime ( yoga or aerobics) on the basis of one's requirements and expectations. So,option (C) is best supported by the argument.