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Legal Studies




Which of the following is not a part of Article 21?


Right to life

Right to food

Right to livelihood

Right to Constitutional remedies

Correct Answer:

Right to Constitutional remedies


The correct answer is Option 4 - Right to Constitutional remedies

Right to Constitutional remedies
is a part of Article 32.

Article 21 ensures the protection of the life and personal liberty of individuals, emphasizing the significance of these rights in a democratic society. Here's an explanation of its key components:

Protection of Life: Article 21 guarantees the right to life to every person within the territory of India. This right extends beyond mere existence and encompasses the right to lead a dignified life with basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare. It protects individuals from arbitrary deprivation of life by the state or its agents.

Protection of Personal Liberty: Article 21 also safeguards the personal liberty of individuals. Personal liberty refers to the freedom of movement, association, expression, and the pursuit of one's livelihood without unjustified interference from the state or any other authority. It protects individuals from unlawful detention, arrest, or imprisonment.

Procedure Established by Law: The phrase "except according to procedure established by law" in Article 21 signifies that deprivation of life or personal liberty must be done in accordance with a fair, just, and reasonable procedure prescribed by law. This ensures that any restriction on these rights must be lawful and not arbitrary. It emphasizes the rule of law and the importance of legal safeguards in protecting individual rights.