The sum of LCM and HCF of two numbers is 854. If the LCM is 60 times the HCF and one of the numbers is 70, then the other number is |
160 164 168 172 |
168 |
The correct answer is Option (3) → 168 The sum of H.C.F. and L.C.M. of two numbers = 854 L.C.M. of two numbers = 60 times of H.C.F. of two numbers The one of the numbers = 70 We know that, The product of two numbers = (H.C.F of two numbers) × (L.C.M. of two numbers) Let the HCF = x Then the LCM = 60x Now, x + 60x = 854 61x = 854 X = 14 Now HCF = 14, LCM = 14 × 60 = 840 70 × another number = (14) × (840) Another number = 168 |