Practicing Success

Target Exam





Self and Personality


Rosenzweig developed a test with the use of cartoon like pictures, a series of situations in which one person frustrates another or calls attention to frustrating condition.


Draw - a - Person - test

Sentence completion test

The Thematic Apperception test

Picture - Frustration test

Correct Answer:

Picture - Frustration test


Rosenzweig’s Picture-Frustration Study (P-F Study): This test was developed by Rosenzweig to assess how people express aggression in the face of a frustrating situation. The test presents with the help of cartoon like pictures a series of situations in which one person frustrates another, or calls attention to a frustrating condition. The subject is asked to tell what the other (frustrated) person will say or do. The analysis of responses is based on the type and direction of aggression. An attempt is made to examine whether the focus is on the frustrating object, or on protection of the frustrated person, or on constructive solution of the problem. The direction of aggression may be towards the environment, towards oneself, or it may be tuned off in an attempt to gloss over or evade the situation. Pareek has adapted this test for use with the Indian population.