Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the option which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect speech:

He said, "I have given up my job".


He said that he gave up his job.

He said that he had given up his job.

He said that he gave the job up.

He said that he had had given up my job.

Correct Answer:

He said that he had given up his job.


The correct answer is Option (2) → He said that he had given up his job.

The best option that expresses the given sentence in indirect speech is:

☀ He said that he had given up his job.

Here's why:

  • Tense change: When reporting speech in the past tense, the verbs in the reported speech usually shift back one tense. In this case, "have given up" (present perfect) becomes "had given up" (past perfect).
  • Subject pronoun: In indirect speech, the subject pronoun usually remains the same ("he").

Therefore, "He said that he had given up his job" accurately reflects the speaker's original statement while adhering to the rules of indirect speech.

The other options are incorrect because:

  • "He said that he gave up his job": This uses the present tense instead of past perfect, which is incorrect for indirect speech in this context.
  • "He said that he gave the job up": This changes the word order and omits the reflexive pronoun "himself", altering the meaning slightly.
  • "He said that he had had given up my job": This is grammatically incorrect and doesn't convey the intended meaning.