Practicing Success

Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Given below are six sentences A-F, of which A and F are static and B-E have been jumbled. Pick the option that gives the correct order of the jumbled sentences.

A. When the train pulled in at Chennai Central, it took Velu some time to get off.

B. So, he sat down on a nearby bench that was unoccupied.

C. In all his eleven years he had not seen so many people except at the village fair.

D. When he finally stood on the platform, his legs felt wobble.

E. He put his small bundle beside him on the bench and looked around.

F. Near him, a group of people sat on their luggage staring at a TV hanging from the roof.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (3) → ADBECF

A. When the train pulled in at Chennai Central, it took Velu some time to get off.
D. When he finally stood on the platform, his legs felt wobble.
B. So, he sat down on a nearby bench that was unoccupied.
E. He put his small bundle beside him on the bench and looked around.
C. In all his eleven years he had not seen so many people except at the village fair.
F. Near him, a group of people sat on their luggage staring at a TV hanging from the roof.