Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Sitting Arrangement


Seven girls V, K, L, P, A, C and N are sitting in a row facing the South (not necessarily in the same order). L is to the immediate left of P. K is at one of the ends. A is the immediate neighbour of K. Only N is between A and C. Only P is between L and C.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?
I. P is third to the left of A.
II. N is to the immediate right of C.


Neither I nor II

Only I

Both I and II

Only II

Correct Answer:

Both I and II


All of them are facing south,

Step 1: K is at the rightmost end.

Step 2: A is the immediate neighbour of K.

Step 3: Only Nis between A and C.

Step 4: Only P is between Land C.

Step 5: L is to the immediate left of P.


--> The only girl left is V and there is only 1 spot left.

Thus, the statements:-

1)  P is third to the left of A: True.

2)  N is to the immediate right of C: True.

So, Both statements are true.