Target Exam





Modern India: Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist movement


Which of the following was the first major appearance of Gandhiji in the India scene?


Opening of Banaras Hindu University.

Champaran Satyagraha

Ahmedabad Mill Strike

Bardoli Satyagraha

Correct Answer:

Opening of Banaras Hindu University.


The correct answer is Option 1 - Opening of Banaras Hindu University.

Ganhiji's first major public appearance was at the opening of the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in February 1916. Among the invitees to this event were the princes and philanthropists whose donations had contributed to the founding of the BHU. Also present were important leaders of the Congress, such as Annie Besant. Compared to these dignitaries, Gandhiji was relatively unknown. He had been invited on account of his work in South Africa, rather than his status within India. Champaran was Gandhiji first satyagraha.