Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: International Organisations


Which one of the following is an incorrect option related to the decisions making the UN more relevant in the changing scenario at its 60th anniversary in 2005?


Establishment of a Human Right Council

Agreements to achieve Millennium Development Goals

Creation of a Democracy fund

An agreement to continue the Trusteeship council

Correct Answer:

An agreement to continue the Trusteeship council


The correct answer is option (4) - An agreement to continue the Trusteeship council

The question of membership is a serious one. In addition, though, there are more substantial issues before the world. As the UN completed 60 years of its existence, the heads of all the member-states met in September 2005 to celebrate the anniversary and review the situation. The leaders in this meeting decided that the following steps should be taken to make the UN more relevant in the changing context.

Creation of a Peacebuilding Commission.

Acceptance of the responsibility of the international community in case of failures of national governments to protect their own citizens from atrocities.

Establishment of a Human Rights Council (operational since 19 June 2006). (Option 1)

Agreements to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). (Option 2)

Condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations

Creation of a Democracy Fund. (Option 3)

An agreement to wind up the Trusteeship Council. (correct version of Option 4)