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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


What characterized party competition during the period of 1960 and 1970s in India?


Cooperation and collaboration

Bitterness and polarization

Bipartisanship and unity

Friendly and alliance based

Correct Answer:

Bitterness and polarization


Answer:Bitterness and polarization
The party competition during this period (1960s-70s) became bitter and polarized.

Many changes were taking place in Indian politics since 1967. Indira Gandhi had emerged as a towering leader with tremendous popularity. This was also the period when party competition became bitter and polarised. This period also witnessed tensions in the relationship between the government and the judiciary. The Supreme Court found many initiatives of the government to be violative of the Constitution. The Congress party took the position that this stand of the Court was against principles of democracy and parliamentary supremacy. The Congress also alleged that the Court was a conservative institution and it was becoming an obstacle in the way of implementing pro-poor welfare programmes. The parties opposed to the Congress felt that politics was becoming too personalised and that governmental authority was being converted into personal authority. The split in the Congress had sharpened the divisions between Indira Gandhi and her opponents.