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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Politics of Planned Development


The common perception of "development" in the early years after Independence was what?


Rejecting the ideas of growth and scientific rationality.

Becoming more like the industrialized countries of the West.

Embracing traditional social structures.

Avoiding the process of modernization.

Correct Answer:

Becoming more like the industrialized countries of the West.


The common perception of "development" in the early years after Independence:

The notion of development often relied on the West being considered the benchmark or standard.
Many experts and individuals believed that 'development' meant becoming more 'modern,' and this idea of modernity was based on becoming like the industrialized nations of the West.
It was assumed that every country would follow a similar path of modernization, mirroring the breakdown of traditional social structures and the emergence of capitalism and liberalism seen in the West.
Modernization was closely associated with concepts of growth, material progress, and scientific rationality.
This perspective on development allowed for the classification of different countries as developed, developing, or underdeveloped.