Practicing Success

Target Exam





Spot Error


Spot the Error in the sentence:

A year has gone by/since he left us/and we never hear/any news of him.

(A) A year has gone by
(B) since he left us
(C) and we never hear
(D) any news of him.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(A) Only

(B) Only

(C) Only

(D) Only

Correct Answer:

(C) Only


The correct answer is Option (3) → (C) Only

The error is in part (C) of the sentence: "and we never hear."

The verb "hear" is in the present tense, but it should be in the past tense to match the tense of the rest of the sentence. Since the sentence is talking about events that happened in the past ("A year has gone by since he left us"), the verb "hear" should also be in the past tense to maintain grammatical consistency.

The corrected form of the sentence should be: "and we never heard."

So, the corrected sentence reads: "A year has gone by since he left us and we never heard any news of him."

This correction ensures that all the verbs in the sentence are in the past tense, maintaining grammatical consistency throughout the sentence.