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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


What is the SI unit for measuring pressure?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option 1. Pascal.

Pressure is a measure of the force exerted per unit area and is a fundamental concept in physics and engineering. The SI unit for measuring pressure is the Pascal (Pa). 

Pressure is defined as the force exerted perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit area over which the force is distributed. Mathematically, pressure (P) is given by the formula:

\[P = \frac{F}{A}\]

   - \(P\) is the pressure,
   - \(F\) is the force applied,
   - \(A\) is the area over which the force is applied.

The Pascal is the SI unit of pressure, named after the French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher Blaise Pascal. It is defined as one newton per square meter (N/m^2). This means that one Pascal is equal to one Newton of force applied over an area of one square meter.

Pressure values can vary significantly across different scales. Therefore, multiples and submultiples of the Pascal are commonly used to express pressure in different units. For example, kilopascal (kPa), megapascal (MPa), and bar are frequently used units for expressing pressure in practical applications.

In summary, pressure is a measure of force per unit area, and the Pascal (Pa) is the SI unit used to quantify pressure. It is defined as one newton per square meter and is widely used in various fields, including physics, engineering, and atmospheric science, to describe and measure pressure phenomena.