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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Change and Development in Rural Society


The widespread aspect of Globalisation of agriculture is the entry of multinationals into this sector as sellers of agricultural inputs such as seeds, pesticides and fertilisers. Over the last decade or so, the Govt. has scaled down its agricultural development programmes, and agricultural extension agents have been replaced in the villages by agents of seeds, fertilisers, and pesticides companies. These agents are often the sole source of information for farmers about new seeds or cultivation practices with of course interest in selling their product. This increased dependence of farmers on expensive fertilisers and pesticides, which has reduced their profits and put many farmers into debt and created ecological crisis in rural areas.

Due to these economic and ecological crisis the spate of farmer's suicide have been occurring in different parts of the country since 1997-98. These suicides can be linked to changes in economic and agricultural policies. These include : the changed pattern of landholdings, changing crop patterns, shift to cash crops, liberalization policies that have exposed Indian agriculture to the forces of Globalisation; heavy dependence on high-costs inputs and individualisation of agricultural operations. According to official statistics, there have been 8,900 suicides by farmers between 2001 and 2006 in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra.

How farmer's suicide can be reduced ?

(1) Increasing the agricultural subsidies

(2) Liberalization policies

(3) Shifting to cash crops

(4) Unstable markets






Correct Answer:


Out of the provided options, Option 1: Increasing agricultural subsidies is the most likely option to effectively reduce farmer suicides. Let's analyze each option:

Option 1: Increasing agricultural subsidies: While subsidies have been criticized for inefficiency and dependency, they can provide immediate relief to farmers struggling with rising costs of inputs and unstable markets. Targeted subsidies on essential inputs like fertilizers and pesticides can help alleviate financial stress and incentivize sustainable farming practices.

Option 2: Liberalization policies: Liberalization can lead to increased competition and volatility in markets, potentially harming small farmers. While it can bring long-term benefits, promoting liberalization without addressing the immediate concerns of farmers can exacerbate the current situation.

Option 3: Shifting to cash crops: While some cash crops offer higher profits, they also carry increased risks. Encouraging farmers to shift without adequate support and market structures can lead to increased instability and financial losses.

Option 4: Unstable markets: Market volatility is a major factor contributing to farmer suicides.

Therefore, while all options have some role to play, increasing agricultural subsidies in a targeted manner appears to be the most effective option for providing immediate relief to farmers and reducing suicides in the short term.