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Target Exam



Political Science




What is the purpose of the Question Hour in Parliament?


To introduce new laws

To allow members to raise any matter they think is important

To enable Ministers to respond to questions raised by members

To conduct voting on bills

Correct Answer:

To enable Ministers to respond to questions raised by members


The correct answer is Option3-  To enable Ministers to respond to questions raised by members

The Question Hour is held every day during the sessions of Parliament, where Ministers have to respond to searching questions raised by the members.

During the law making process, members of the legislature get an opportunity to deliberate on the policy direction of the executive and the ways in which policies are implemented. Apart from deliberating on bills, control may also be exercised during the general discussions in the House. The Question Hour, which is held every day during the sessions of Parliament, where Ministers have to respond to searching questions raised by the members; Zero Hour where members are free to raise any matter that they think is important (though the ministers are not bound to reply), half -an -hour discussion on matters of public importance, adjournment motion, etc., are some instruments of exercising control. Perhaps the question hour is the most effective method of keeping vigil on the executive and the administrative agencies of the government. Members of Parliament have shown great interest in question hour and maximum attendance is recorded during this time. Most of the questions aim at eliciting information from the government on issues of public interest such as, price rise, availability of food grains, atrocities on weaker sections of the society, riots, black-marketing, etc. This gives the members an opportunity to criticise the government, and represent the problems of their constituencies. The discussions during the question hour are so heated that it is not uncommon to see members raise their voice, walk to the well of the house or walk out in protest to make their point. This results in a considerable loss of legislative time. At the same time, we must remember that many of these actions are political techniques to gain concessions from government and in the process force executive accountability.