Practicing Success

Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Infrastructure


Identify the measures which can reduce morbidity.

A. Sanitation

B. Poor Education

C. Unemployment

D. Safe drinking water

E. Nutritive Food

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


A, D and E only

B, C and A only

A, C and E only

C, D and E only

Correct Answer:

A, D and E only


The correct answer is option (1) : A, D and E only

  • A. Sanitation: Proper sanitation practices, such as clean water and hygienic waste disposal, help prevent the spread of diseases caused by contaminated water and waste.

  • D. Safe drinking water: Access to safe drinking water reduces the risk of waterborne diseases, which are significant contributors to morbidity in many regions.

  • E. Nutritive food: Adequate nutrition supports a healthy immune system and overall well-being, reducing susceptibility to illnesses and promoting faster recovery from diseases.