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Target Exam





Dissolution of Partnership Firm


Which of the following is false for dissolution of partnership firm ?


Dissolution of a partnership is different for dissolution of a firm.

A partnership is dissolved when there is death of a partner

A firm is compulsorily dissolved when a partner decide to retire.

A firm is dissolved when all partners give consent to it.

Correct Answer:

A firm is compulsorily dissolved when a partner decide to retire.


The correct answer is option 3- A firm is compulsorily dissolved when a partner decide to retire.

* Dissolution of a partnership is different for dissolution of a firm.- True. Dissolution of partnership means reconstitution of partnership firm whereas dissolution of firm means end of the firm.

* A partnership is dissolved when there is death of a partner- True. This is case of dissolution of firm on happening of certain contingency.

* A firm is compulsorily dissolved when a partner decide to retire.- False. A firm is not dissolved not retirement of a partner. It is reconstituted.

* A firm is dissolved when all partners give consent to it.- True. This is case of dissolution of firm by agreement between partners.