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Target Exam



Political Science




What is Article 356 in the Indian Constitution related to?


Financial emergency

Imposition of President’s rule in a State

Election of the President

Imposition of National Emergency

Correct Answer:

Imposition of President’s rule in a State


The correct answer is Option 2-  Imposition of President’s rule in a State

Article 356 provides for the imposition of President’s rule in any State when the government of the State cannot be carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. This leads to the takeover of the State government by the Union government.

One of the most controversial articles in the Constitution is Article 356, which provides for President’s rule in any State. This provision is to be applied, when ‘a situation has arisen in which the Government of the State cannot be carried on in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.’ It results in the takeover of the State government by the Union government. The President’s proclamation has to be ratified by Parliament. President’s rule can be extended till three years. The Governor has the power to recommend the dismissal of the State government and suspension or dissolution of State assembly. This has led to many conflicts. In some cases, State governments were dismissed even when they had a majority in the legislature, as had happened in Kerala in 1959 or without testing their majority, as happened in several other States after 1967. Some cases went to the Supreme Court and the Court has ruled that constitutional validity of the decision to impose President’s rule can be examined by the judiciary.