Practicing Success

Target Exam





Physical: Electro Chemistry


Statement I: Zn 2+ possesses greater oxidizing power than Sn 2+

Statement II: The metal ion of the metal with lower –ve potential (or) higher +ve potential is a better oxidizing agent than the metal ion of the metal with higher –ve potential or less +ve potential


Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is not a correct explanation of Statement I

Statement I is correct but Statement II is false

Statement I is false but Statement II is correct

Correct Answer:

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I


The correct answer is option 1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I.

Let us evaluate the statements provided:

Statement I: \(Zn^{2+}\) possesses greater oxidizing power than \(Sn^{2+}\).

The oxidizing power of a metal ion is related to its standard reduction potential. A more positive standard reduction potential indicates a stronger tendency to gain electrons (thus oxidizing other substances). According to the standard reduction potentials (standard electrode potentials), \(Zn^{2+}\) has a more positive reduction potential compared to \(Sn^{2+}\) under standard conditions. This means \(Zn^{2+}\) is more likely to be reduced (gain electrons) and therefore has greater oxidizing power than \(Sn^{2+}\). The reduction potentials under standard conditions are:

\(Zn^{2+} + 2e^- ⇌ Zn (E° = -0.76 V)\)

\(Sn^{2+} + 2e^- ⇌ Sn (E° = -0.14 V)\)

Since \(Zn^{2+}\) has a more negative reduction potential (more positive E° value), it is easier for \(Zn^{2+}\) to be reduced (gain electrons) compared to \(Sn^{2+}\), indicating \(Zn^{2+}\) possesses greater oxidizing power.

Therefore, Statement I is correct because \(Zn^{2+}\) does indeed possess greater oxidizing power than \(Sn^{2+}\) due to its more positive reduction potential.

Statement II: The metal ion of the metal with lower negative potential (or higher positive potential) is a better oxidizing agent than the metal ion of the metal with higher negative potential (or less positive potential).

This statement aligns with the concept of standard reduction potentials. A metal ion with a more positive reduction potential (lower negative potential) is more likely to be reduced (gain electrons) and therefore acts as a stronger oxidizing agent. A metal ion with a less positive reduction potential (higher negative potential) has a weaker tendency to gain electrons and is thus a weaker oxidizing agent. This principle is generally true based on electrochemical series or standard reduction potential values. Metals higher in the electrochemical series (more positive reduction potentials) are better oxidizing agents.

Therefore, Statement II is correct because it correctly describes the relationship between reduction potentials and the oxidizing power of metal ions.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I.