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Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Environment and Sustainable Development


Read the following passage and answer the question :

Use of Non-conventional sources of Energy : India, as you know, is hugely dependent on thermal & hydro power plants to meet its power needs. Both of these have adverse environmental impacts. Thermal power plants emit large quantities of carbon dioxide which is a green-house gas. It also produces fly ash which if not used properly, can cause pollution of water bodies, land & other components of the environment. Wind power & solar rays are good examples of non conventional cleaner & greener energy sources but they are not yet explored on a large scale due to lack of technological devices.

Identify the Green-house Gas from the following :






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option (3) : Carbon-dioxide

The passage states that thermal power plants emit large quantities of carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas.

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are gases in the Earth's atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect, leading to global warming and climate c hange. In addition to carbon dioxide (CO2), some other common greenhouse gases include :

1. Methane (CH4) : Methane is a potent greenhouse gas released from various sources, including livestock digestion, rice paddies, and the production and transport of fossil fuels.

2.Nitrous Oxide) (N2O) : Nitrous oxide is released from agricultural and industrial activities, as well as from the combustion of fossil fuels and solid waste.

3.Water Vapor (H2O) : Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas, but its concentration in the atmosphere is primarily controlled by temperature and is not directly influenced by human activities.