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Target Exam







From the given options, select the pair of words which carries the same relationship to the given pair of words:

Dull : Bright


Forsake : Discard

Lean : Slender

Fragile : Delicate

Harmony : Discord

Correct Answer:

Harmony : Discord


The pair of words that carries the same relationship to "Dull: Bright" is:

Harmony : Discord (Option 4)

Here's why:

  • Dull and Bright: These words signify opposite ends of the spectrum for light intensity and, by extension, for energy, vibrancy, and engagement. A dull object lacks luster and interest, while a bright one is illuminating and lively.
  • Forsake and Discard: While both involve giving something up, they don't have the same direct opposition as dull and bright. Forsake often carries a stronger emotional element of abandonment, while discard can be more casual and temporary.
  • Lean and Slender: These describe similar physical characteristics without the stark contrasting qualities of dull and bright. They both suggest thinness, but not necessarily a lack of vibrancy or energy.
  • Fragile and Delicate: Both denote vulnerability and potential for breakage, but they don't directly oppose each other like dull and bright. They emphasize different aspects of vulnerability, with fragile focusing on physical weakness and delicate suggesting refinement and finesse.
  • Harmony and Discord: This pair perfectly mirrors the relationship between dull and bright. Harmony signifies agreement, coherence, and pleasant blending, while discord represents disagreement, clashing, and unpleasant sounds. They are direct opposites in the realm of sound and, by extension, in any situation where agreement and coherence are desirable.

Therefore, based on the clear opposition of qualities and complementary positions on a spectrum, Harmony : Discord best reflects the relationship between dull and bright.