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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


In which state is Ponu Yoksi, a sword-like instrument, used during ceremonial dances performed by priests?


Uttar Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh

Correct Answer:

Arunachal Pradesh


The correct answer is Option (3) - Arunachal Pradesh

Ponu Yoksi is a traditional ceremonial dance performed by priests in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, India. During these ceremonial dances, priests use the Ponu Yoksi, a sword-like instrument, as part of the ritualistic performance.

Arunachal Pradesh, located in the northeastern part of India, is known for its rich cultural diversity and vibrant indigenous traditions. Ceremonial dances play a significant role in the socio-cultural fabric of the state, often performed during festivals, rituals, and special occasions. The Ponu Yoksi, being a symbol of reverence and ritualistic significance, is integral to the traditional dances performed by priests, adding to the spiritual and cultural ambiance of the ceremonies.

These ceremonial dances not only serve as a form of artistic expression but also hold deep religious and cultural significance for the communities in Arunachal Pradesh. The use of the Ponu Yoksi in these dances underscores the importance of traditional instruments and rituals in preserving and celebrating the cultural heritage of the region.