A boat takes total 07 hrs. to cover a distance of 39 km in upstream and 116 km in downstream. While it takes 8 hrs. to cover a distance of 65 km in upstream and 87 km in downstream. Find speed of the current. |
12 km/hr 10 km/hr 9 km/hr 8 km/hr |
8 km/hr |
\(\frac{39}{x - y}\) + \(\frac{116}{x + y}\) = 7 ---(i) \(\frac{65}{x - y}\) + \(\frac{87}{x + y}\) = 8 ---(ii) (i) x 5 - (ii) x 3 \(\frac{26}{x + y}\) = 2 x + y = 29 x - y = 13 x=21, y = 8 |