Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Recent Developments in Indian Politics


Read the passage and answer the question:

We started this study of politics in India with the discussion of how the Congress emerged as a dominant party. From that situation, we have now arrived at a more competitive politics, but politics that is based on a certain implicit agreement among the main political actors. Thus, even as political parties act within the sphere of this consensus, popular movements and organisations are simultaneously identifying new forms, visions and pathways of development. Issues like poverty, displacement, minimum wages, livelihood and social security are being put on the political agenda by peoples’ movements, reminding the state of its responsibility. Similarly, issues of justice and democracy are being voiced by the people in terms of class, caste, gender and regions. We cannot predict the future of democracy. All we know is that democratic politics is here to stay in India.

Arrange the following Prime Ministers of India in chronological order:

A- Narasimha Rao
B- Manmohan Singh
C- V.P. Singh
D- I.K. Gujral

Choose the correct answer from the given options:






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 1- C-A-D-B

C- V.P. Singh - 1989
A- Narasimha Rao - 1991
D- I.K. Gujral - 1997
B- Manmohan Singh - 2004

V.P. Singh (2 Dec 1989 to 10 Nov 1990)
Narasimha Rao (21 June 1991 to 16 May 1996)
I.K. Gujral (21 April 1997 to 19 March 1998)
Manmohan Singh (22 May 2004 to 26 May 2014)