Match List I with List II
Choose the correct answer from the options given below : |
A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II |
The correct answer is option (4) : A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II.
* Science not Rule of Thumb: Taylor believed that there was only one best method to maximise efficiency. This method can be developed through study and analysis. The method so developed should substitute ‘Rule of Thumb’ throughout the organisation. Scientific method involved investigation of traditional methods through work-study, unifying the best practices and developing a standard method, which would be followed throughout the organisation. There is no higher recruitment costs. * Esprit De Corps: Management should promote a team spirit of unity and harmony among employees, according to Fayol. Management should promote teamwork especially in large organisations because otherwise objectives would be difficult to realise. It will also result in a loss of coordination. A manager should replace 'l' with 'We' in ail his conversations with workers to foster team spirit. This will give rise to a spirit of mutual trust and belongingness among team members. * Unity of Direction- All the units of an organisation should be moving towards the same objectives through coordinated and focussed efforts. Each group of activities having the same objective must have one head and one plan. This ensures unity of action and coordination. * Cooperation not individualism- There should be complete cooperation between the labour and the management instead of individualism. This principle is an extension of principle of ‘Harmony not discord’. Competition should be replaced by cooperation. Both should realise that they need each other. For this, management should not close its ears to any constructive suggestions made by the employees. They should be rewarded for their suggestions which results in substantial reduction in costs. They should be part of management and, if any important decisions are taken, workers should be taken into confidence. At the same time workers should desist from going on strike & making unreasonable demands on the management. |