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Target Exam





Medieval India: An Imperial Capital: Vijayanagara


Arrange the following in a chronological order.

(A) J.F. Fleet begins documenting the inscriptions on the temple walls at Hampi.
(B) Alexander Greenlaw takes the first detailed photographs of archaeological remains at Hampi.
(C) Hampi declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
(D) Colin Mackenzie visits Vijayanagara.
(E) Conservation of Hampi begins under John Marshall.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(A), (B), (D), (E), (C)

(C), (A), (B), (E), (D)

(D), (B), (A), (E), (C)

(A), (B), (C), (D), (E)

Correct Answer:

(D), (B), (A), (E), (C)


The correct answer is Option (3) → (D), (B), (A), (E), (C)

1876: J.F. Fleet begins documenting the inscriptions on the temple walls at Hampi.
1856: Alexander Greenlaw takes the first detailed photographs of archaeological remains at Hampi
1986: Hampi declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO
1800: Colin Mackenzie visits Vijayanagara
1902: Conservation begins under John Marshall

The events can be arranged chronologically as follows:

(D) Colin Mackenzie visits Vijayanagara: Colin Mackenzie's visit to Vijayanagara took place in the early 19th century.

(B) Alexander Greenlaw takes the first detailed photographs of archaeological remains at Hampi: This event is likely to have occurred after Mackenzie's visit, as detailed photographs would require photography equipment that became available in the 19th century.

(A) J.F. Fleet begins documenting the inscriptions on the temple walls at Hampi: J.F. Fleet's work follows the documentation of archaeological remains by Alexander Greenlaw.

(E) Conservation of Hampi begins under John Marshall: John Marshall's work on the conservation of Hampi is a more recent development, so it would come after the earlier events.

(C) Hampi declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO: UNESCO's declaration of Hampi as a World Heritage Site is a contemporary event, signifying the global recognition of its historical significance.

So, the correct option is [3] (D), (B), (A), (E), (C).