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Business Studies


Formation of a Company


Which of the following is not a clause of the Memorandum of Association of a company?


Capital clause

Registered office clause

Qualification clause

Objects clause

Correct Answer:

Qualification clause


The correct answer is option 3- Qualification clause.

Qualification clause is not any clause of MOA.

The Memorandum of Association contains different clauses, which are given as follows:

(i) The name clause: This clause contains the name of the company with which the company will be known, which has already been approved by the Registrar of Companies.

(ii)  Registered office clause: This clause contains the name of the state, in which the registered office of the company is proposed to be situated. 

(iii) Objects clause: This is probably the most important clause of the memorandum. It defines the purpose for which the company is formed. A company is not legally entitled to undertake an activity, which is beyond the objects stated in this clause. The main objects for which the company is formed are listed in this sub-clause. 

(iv) Liability clause: This clause limits the liability of the members to the amount unpaid on the shares owned by them

(v) Capital clause: This clause specifies the maximum capital which the company will be authorised to raise through the issue of shares. The authorised share capital of the proposed company along with its division into the number of shares having a fixed face value is specified in this clause.