Practicing Success

Target Exam







Identify the correct homonym in each of the sentences given below.

A. I can play a few Chords/ Cords on the guitar.
B. Its/It's already time to go home.
C. I wonder whether they're/their coming for the movie.
D. The secretary was in the no/know of the goings on in the company.

Choose the correct combination of homonyms from the options given below:


Chords; it's; they're; know

Cords; its; their; no

Chords; its; they're; know

Cords; it's; they're; no

Correct Answer:

Chords; it's; they're; know


The correct combination of homonyms is: Chords; it's; they're; know

Here's why:

  • Chords/Cords: "Chords" refers to musical harmonies, while "cords" are ropes or wires.
  • Its/It's: "Its" is a possessive pronoun, while "it's" is the contraction of "it is."
  • They're/Their: "They're" is the contraction of "they are," while "their" is a possessive pronoun.
  • No/Know: "No" means "not" or "none," while "know" means "to be aware of something."

Therefore, the given combinations correctly identify the homonyms in each sentence:

  • A. I can play a few chords (musical harmonies) on the guitar.
  • B. It's (it is) already time to go home.
  • C. I wonder whether they're (they are) coming for the movie.
  • D. The secretary was in the know (aware) of the goings on in the company.