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General Test


Numerical Ability




One year ago the ratio of income of A & B is 3 : 5. The ratio of their last year income to current year income is 2 : 3 and 4 : 5. If their total current year income is Rs. 4300 then find their present year income.


1800, 2500

1800, 3000

2500, 1800

3000, 1800

Correct Answer:

1800, 2500


                    Last Year     :       Current Year

          A              2          :              3

          B              4          :              5

*According to this ratio of last year income of A and B is 2 : 4 but according to question it should be 3 :  5

Therefor in this situation always follow two steps

a) Make it in the ratio 1 : 1

b) multiply by the new ratio in which we want to convert.

a)          L. Y.      :     C.Y.

     A   2 x (2      :      3

     B   1 x (4       :     5


b)                   L.Y.     :     C.Y.

 A       3 x 2 x (2       :       3

 B       5 x 1 x (4       :       5


New Ratio 

         L.Y.     :     C.Y.

A        --      :      18

B         --     :      25


Total                   43R  ⇒ 4300

                          1R = 100


C.Y. income of A = 18R = Rs.1800

C.Y. income of B = 25R = Rs.2500