Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Poetry / Literary)

Read the poem and answer the following question
Did you hear about the rose that grew
from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it
learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams,
it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else ever cared.
Why did the author include the line, "It learned to walk without having any feet?"
To show that everyone needs feet
To show that life is fair to everyone
To show that every person has a very hard life and has to struggle
None of the above
Correct Answer:
To show that every person has a very hard life and has to struggle
The poem is about reaching our goals in life despite the hardships and conflicts that we face on the way. The poem is highly inspirational and motivates the readers to focus and realize their dreams to make them come true.